The Naked Witch by Wendy Steele
This is a great contender for the ever growing Witch Lit
that is flooding the marketplace today...
If you like to read about the kind of magic that real witches do, then grab a copy of The Naked Witch and enjoy this down to earth story.
The thing is, many think that witches are some kind of extraordinary species that float above the surface of the planet and fly around on great beings and broomsticks. But with Wendy Steele’s kind of Witch Lit, nothing could be further from the(un)truth.
If you like to read about the kind of magic that real witches do, then grab a copy of The Naked Witch and enjoy this down to earth story.
The thing is, many think that witches are some kind of extraordinary species that float above the surface of the planet and fly around on great beings and broomsticks. But with Wendy Steele’s kind of Witch Lit, nothing could be further from the(un)truth.
Lizzie Martin is an ordinary mum with a teenage daughter, experiencing all the
ups and downs of life that come with the territory. But the difference in how she
deals with the challenges that crop up is in her magical beliefs and practices.
One being her wooden shed at the bottom of her garden, a place she calls her Sanctuary. A place where she takes refuge and retreats to find herself again when the trials of life take their toll… A place to ground and centre her energy and reconnect with her magical self, to call upon her goddess and the gods, her guides from the celestial realms and the ancestral spirits of the earth.
The herbs she grows, the incense she lights, the prayers she sends out and the
divination she works with to tune into the hidden realms are the ways of the
Witch. Granted, you will find these practices in works of non-fiction – of
which there are plenty around – but to weave magic through the fabric of story
is no less inspirational than any work of teaching. In fact, it can be far more
educational in many ways because magic at the very least works on those
subtle levels of mind and body when the mind is receptive and passive…when the
spell of the story itself is working its charm upon the reader.One being her wooden shed at the bottom of her garden, a place she calls her Sanctuary. A place where she takes refuge and retreats to find herself again when the trials of life take their toll… A place to ground and centre her energy and reconnect with her magical self, to call upon her goddess and the gods, her guides from the celestial realms and the ancestral spirits of the earth.
And so Wendy Steele’s writing is a magical act in itself,
because you can never separate a Witch from her world - indeed she carries it
with her everywhere - as it's not so much a by product of what she does, but a true reflection of who she is. And if she is a writer, then it will shine through those words,
it will spring from the page and it will make that story come to life.
Witch Lit is magical writing and here in The Naked Witch, the
first of this down to earth and enjoyable series, Wendy Steele makes no
exception. A great read.
Buy here from Amazon
And find out more about Wendy and her magical life and work here:
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