Friday, 30 October 2015

Hats off to NaNoWriMo

I have a lot to thank NaNoWriMo for... If I hadn't taken the plunge three years ago and decided to write 50,000 words in a month I would not have had a first draft by the end of November. I would never have known I was capable of the focus and the discipline needed to produce that amount of work. I would not have realised how much enjoyment such a solitary challenge would involve and perhaps never have known that writing is something I could do all day, every day, without fail. It was in fact, something I needed to do.
But I did all of that, proved it to myself and my husband - the one who held the fort for a month - and you can't put a price on an opportunity like that. It's golden from all angles.
      It was the first hurdle of a three year journey to publication, and thanks to Moon Books and their blog it was the start of a 'work in progress' posting a chapter up every month. This was another great opportunity which kept me focused on the re-write and slowly but surely, the work reached submission stage.
To be accepted for publication, has been a dream I have been living. I have not chased or followed it, but imagined it...writers are good at that. If you can immerse yourself completely in the world of your own imagination and write a good story, then you can keep on imagining after that story has ended. You can keep visualising, keep focusing, and discover that what you are doing is creating your own story. The story of your life. And anything can happen, whatever you want can happen if you can picture it first.
Have I been lucky? No. Luck suggests a power which determines what happens to us, but fate does not seek us out... We create our own destiny.
   So, to all NaNo contenders I will say this: Grab this opportunity. Write your heart out and go the distance. For a whole month you get to be a writer. You will have a book by the end of it and anything could happen then... imagine that.
Wishing you all the best and magic your way!

From this... this!

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