Altar Addiction
This is my writing altar. It does the job perfectly and accompanies me wherever I write. It has everything: The elements, magical properties and portability... what more can a writer want?If you are devoted in your attitude towards your Craft, every act becomes a magical one.
And if you're anything like me, you probably have an addiction to altars as well as other magical tools and objects. It seems to be a vocational passion rather than a hazard, and perhaps only hazardous if the altar leads to strange and dysfunctional behaviour... of the magical kind no less.
Altars do have a habit of creeping up on me. If there's a ledge of some sort, I will have no choice but to adorn it in some way magical with stones, shells, candles, cards, sprigs of herbs, driftwood and feathers. Dare I say it's an obsession I have no control over.
Living near a beach, I collect shells by the pocketful and as I tinkered over the kitchen sink the other day, I spotted a particularly gorgeous shaped one I knew I needed but didn't know what it was for at the time.
I didn't have to wait long.
"Set me up right now!" It cried from the kitchen windowsill.
How could I refuse?
In seconds, a tea-light was nestled inside it. Such a perfect fit, with just enough room either side for two other tiny objects. And as I went to find a feather and pick some rosemary I realised with a smile the elements were speaking loud and clear as they usually do.
Magic was in the air.
As any Witch knows, this is all perfectly normal behaviour, you don't even give it a second thought. Second nature shall we say, or perhaps magical nature would be more accurate.
The magical nature is a wonderful thing.
But seriously, when the magic calls, it's hard to ignore and before you know it - you've hunted down and gathered earth, air, fire and water without thinking.
What is an Altar for?
- Your altar is a place to put any sacred object or tool which connects you to the magical realms.
- It grounds the subtle energies back into the earth so that they can be used in the object or tool and charged for magical use.
- It is a focus for devotion to the divine, however you perceive it.
- It is a reminder of your return, connection and communion with your magical nature symbolised by the objects you put on it.
Simple is best...
All you need for a mini, portable altar:- Water ~ large shell
- Fire ~ tea-light
- Air ~ small feather
- Earth ~ sprig of herb/ stone/ salt
Magic is for everyone and the best work you will do is when you let your own intuition guide you.
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